Tuesday, October 2, 2007

How Anyone can Make Money Blogging!

People keep asking but how can I make money blogging? What can I write about? What do I know about Blog stuff! Well the answer is simple!

In order for you to blog and find stuff to blog about- write what YOU know about!

  1. If your a mommy, write about being a mommy! There are plenty of mommy-to-be women who may not know the first thing about what you've mastered! There are a number of topics Moms can blog about! Moms are masters in "how to" or "what if" scenarios plus the creativity involved in everyday simple tasks- I'm sure readership wouldn't be hard to come by!
  2. If you're an Accountant blog about tips, tools, overlooked items people don't know about! Your on the "inside" so share common information you know that commoners don't know about!
  3. If you're a college student write about the "Real" college experience! Thoughts about classes, teachers, assignments, campus life! Many would be students may be looking for an insiders voice!
Same can be said for a million other status, careers and hobbies! Write what you know or what you'd like to become an expert in! Share your thoughts and then some networking can help as well (I'll blog about that later).

Then when your ready to blog, simply incorporate some ads into your blog! You will get paid by advertisers based on click thrus (number of times a person clicks the ad) and/or page impressions (the amount of page-views your blog receives).

Advertising you can incorporate into your blog:
  • Google Adsense (if you use blogger the work is almost all done for you)
  • Adbrite (free inclusion in their directory, plus monetize videos and pictures as well)
  • Text Link Ads (full editorial control over what ads will go on your site)
  • Blog Ads ( Invitation only and requires an "in" email for info on sponsor availability )
(Don't be afraid of how to add this code into your blog! For the most part its simply copy and past OR they have tutorials made easy! Also a simple email can help if still in doubt.)

This is the simplest method to start earning revenue on your blog! There are a ton of other affiliate/advertising programs out there. I will write & review many more in due time but for now I believe that is a great place to get started with familiarizing yourself with ads and different type of programs available for you to start earning money with your blog.

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