Pickle.com .... instant vlogging(video blogging) & picture sharing in the now!
Have you ever just wanted to mix up your pictures & videos and slap them on your website, Myspace page or misc other online presence you have? Well Pickle is your answer!
What makes this a cool service?
- It's free
- Friends, family & significant others can all contribute pictures or videos to the same channel!
- All going to the same wedding? simply assign an email address and have wedding pictures all broad casted instantly! Photos can be saved and shared immediately! Plus those who weren't able to attend can go to the site and check out all the fun they missed!
- If you love someones "channel" simply copy the code and put it on your page as well- given its not private.
- If on vacation your friends, family would love to see what your looking, doing, eating and meeting well shoot over pictures with your mobile and everyone can check out your site to see whats going on with you from across states, oceans and beyond!
Terms: Mixed media, vlogging, broadcasting, channel set-up, media player, broadcast, post, interactive media, personal media sharing.
Terms translation: Share your pictures and videos instantly online- plus friends can contribute too!
Check it out...and check back for a pickle player on my blog as well!